The only thing constant is change.

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hey, Reader!

It's me, sitting in front of a warm keyboard sending you another email in the wee hours of the morning. (3:17 a.m., New York time)

Yet again, I'm fine-tuning 5011 things in my business. The most important of my projects was my signature offer. You may have heard me mention it a few (hundred) times: The B.O.S.S.:! Business Operations Strategy & Systems.

I raised the investment level for better alignment with the value and return on investment, so I updated my video to reflect that. You should be able to peep it without leaving your email, but if not, you can watch it on my YouTube channel.

video preview

Part of that fine-tuning means incorporating my introductory offer of A to Z Operations Strategy into my signature offer to provide the most optimal result which lays the groundwork for building or rebuilding regardless of the season of your business.

I'm also considering consults, working with people to unwind their minds about business operations, strategy, and systems. Noticing a theme?

I'm staying in my wheelhouse, but I do know a little bit about a lot of things, and I'm a perpetual student, so I might just have some insights to share!

I love 'the doing' of implementation, but I'm leaning more heavily into strategy because many of the entrepreneurs I've found have so much on their minds and plates that they don't have enough mental bandwidth to think.

And I'm old enough to still think that two heads are better than one!

Well, let me at least try to catch a few winks before the sun rises in a few hours.

May you have a marvelous Monday!

To our mutual success,


Book your complimentary Introductory Call / Virtual Meet & Greet or apply for The B.O.S.S.!: Business Operations Strategy & System so we can talk about the level of support your empire demands and get your #OperationsInFormation!

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